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Acupuncture video

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Acupuncture is a preventive medicine and curative addressing itself to all. It is dissociated by its humanistic and global solution. It is also distinguished in its way of treating people.

Acupuncture is a preventive medicine and curative addressing itself to all. It is dissociated by its humanistic and global solution. It is also distinguished in its way of treating people.

The acupunctor is useful himself of fine needles which stimulate various zones of the body to start physiological mechanisms aiming at restoring health. It is a widespread thousand-year-old medicine throughout the world which showed its very great effectiveness and its vast capacity of adaptation through the times. In Quebec, this medicine is practised by professionals recognized by the government, directed by the order of the acupunctors of Quebec. Video acupuncture Acupuncture is a sedentary medicine which is without pain. Strict rules of hygiene are applied to each stage of the treatment.

The use of disposable needles, of single use, is increasingly widespread among the experts. The acupunctors who are useful themselves of reusable needles follow a protocol of precise asepsis to sterilize their needles after each treatment. During the consultation, each patient profits from a detailed attention on behalf of the therapeutist. This last will take all the time necessary to evaluate the condition general of its patient. It will question it on all the physical, psychological and emotional aspects of its life. Moreover, it will question it on its way of life, its food practices, like its home environment and professional.

Acupuncture video


Throughout the interview, the acupunctor will evaluate the health of the patient and will determine a strategy of treatment. Although acupuncture uses mainly the insertion of needles, there are several other modes of interventions like the massage, the moxibustion, the application of suction cups, electric stimulation, and the laser. Certain acupunctors can also give councils on the dietetic ones, the Chinese pharmacopeia the exercises of chi-quong. Acupuncture is an effective medicine addressing itself to all the ages. It put on a human and dynamic approach. The patient is received in the largest respect, and this within a short time. The results are concrete without side effects. The use of acupuncture is recommended against tiredness, the stress, the anxiety, insomnia, the migraine, the cephalgia, the menopause, nauseas, distensions, constipation, diarrhoea, hémorroïdes, asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis, cough, laryngitis, pharyngitis, allergies to the animals, hay cold, moulds, itchings, incontinence, frequent urine, difficulty of urinating, cystitis, lowers libido, impotence, premature ejaculation, SPM, turbid menstrual, painful centres, followed pregnancy, conjunctivitis, scrambled vision, otitis, labyrinthite, giddiness, sciatic nerve, evils of back, tendinitises, pains muscular and articular.

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